13 tháng 05 năm 2023

Title: Experimental treatment of common diseases on Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.)
Performed by students: Mai Huynh Huy & Nguyen Thi Nhu Quynh
Supervised by: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Vu & Dr. Dinh Thi Thuy
Research content:

- studying some diseases and testing therapeutic solutions on Angelfish raised in HCMC;
- Experimenting with chemicals other than antibiotics to prevent and treat some related diseases to reduce the use of antibiotics in the aquarium industry.
Research summary:
Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.) is a popular freshwater aquarium fish, valued for its color and difficulty in breeding. That is why today, angelfish farming is spreading to many countries worldwide, not only for entertainment but also for business. Due to its high economic value, epidemic diseases often cause significant financial losses. This study aimed to identify some common diseases in Angelfish and propose appropriate therapeutic regimens. Identified diseases are hemorrhagic disease, tetrahymena protozoan, abdominal distension, helminthiasis, and head hole disease. In addition, two chemicals, Bronopol and FMC, have been studied and tested to prevent and treat common angelfish diseases. The survey results determined that the LD50 value of Bronopol causing the death of Angelfish after 36 hours was 15 mg/L; The lethal LD50 FMC values for Angelfish after 36 and 48 hours were 0.4 mg/L and 0.3 mg/L. Determining the LD50 value of Bronopol and FMC is the basis for choosing the appropriate concentration and treatment time when using these two chemicals to prevent and treat some common diseases in Angelfish.

Angelfish: albino (A); Egypt (B); three vertical black stripes (C); semicircle (D) và manacapuru (E) 

Experimental tools, materials & equipment 

Hemorrhagic disease in albino angelfish

 Angelfish infected with protozoan parasites, Tetrahymena

Fullblack angelfish has a bloated stomach

Angelfish has a hole in its head

Diseases caused by helminths metazoan (Capillaria spp)

Summary of treatment regimens for each common disease in Angelfish.

Conclusions and recommendations.
- Some common diseases in Angelfish have been identified, such as hemorrhagic, abdominal distension, helminth, and head hole disease.
- Therapeutic regimens for common angelfish diseases have been proposed.
- The LD50 value of Bronopol causing the death of Angelfish after 36 hours was determined at a concentration of 15 mg/L.
- LD50 FMC values that cause the death of Angelfish after 36 and 48 hours were determined at concentrations of 0.4 and 0.3 mg/L, respectively.
Recommendations: Based on the determined LD50 value of Bronopol and FMC, it is necessary to investigate the appropriate concentration and treatment time to prevent and treat some common diseases in Angelfish.
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