1. Introduction
Nowadays, consumers are not only interested in eating well but, more importantly, take to "the healthy effect" seriously. Food products must ensure the health of users. Global economic integration process challenges in food safety and sanitation according to HACCP standards. Accordingly, to participate in the global supply chain, all trade items must meet international standards. A HACCP certification is not only required for food products but also must meet all the regulations.
In 2017, HCMC's Vegetable green product market reached 84.3 kg/year/person (SCRAP – IPSARD, 2017). Green vegetable food is growing in both the market and the production. The types of green vegetable food include Clean vegetables, organic vegetables, VietGap vegetables, and green vegetables. However, the number of green vegetable food produced monthly is very high, but the quantity consumed by restaurants and supermarkets only accounts for less. Every day in HCMC, only 5 to 6 tons of green vegetable food go to supermarkets and kitchens, meeting HACCP standards. The remaining 30 to 35 tons from the wholesale markets are at lower prices, not just any information, even the company production name (Minh Hằng, 2018).
Therefore, the research "EFFECTS OF GREEN VEGETABLE FOOD CONSUMPTION VALUE IN THE HCMC" overviews the market and consumer demand for green vegetable food in Ho Chi Minh City. So far, the research is developing products that meet market requirements but suitiation for the Ho Chi Minh consumer of green vegetable food.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2017, RAT is fresh vegetable products (including all types of edible vegetables: leaves, stems, tubers, flowers, fruits, food mushrooms, etc.) which are produced, harvested, prepared, packaged, served and stored under control of sanitary regulations. The RAT regulations require the chemistry and microorganism to be beloved the minimum amount allowed on the finished product based on Viet Nam Food Law.
RAT has classified into four main groups (Mai Lê Thúy Vân, 2017):
1. The cheap product: Based on local food produced with no regulations of Food Law.
2. The basic product: Based on the agriculture company on local food with a minimum of standard food law followed.
3. The VietGap product: Based on the company, have the HACCP and VietGap certified.
4. The Organic product: Based on almost the import product, which contains healthy, non-chemicals, and traceable items in the food chain.
3. VietNam RAT market disadvantages
There are four problems in Vietnam RAT's market (SCAP – IPSARD, 2017:
⦁ The product is far more from the consumer standard
⦁ The omnichannel is in shortage
⦁ None of the HACCP certified
⦁ None of the concerns about the organic product
Because of the economic income, a large number of consumers still use cheap products than basic items. Meanwhile, the basic product has just about 30% of the market share of the RAT volume. The population growth rate (especially immigrants) dramatically increases, making it more difficult to control the pollution of land, water, and air, directly affecting the farmer's agriculture. In that case, The use of pesticides and preservatives breaks in Food laws on agriculture still in common (Hoàng Thiên, 2018).
Sheth (1991) presents a theory developed to explain why consumers make their choices. The theory identifies five consumption values influencing consumer choice behavior. Results of the operationalization of the theory suggest that it may be used to predict consumption behavior, as well as to describe and explain it.

Figure 1. The theory of consumer choice behavior, Sheth (1991).
Choe et al. (2018) explored the effect of tourists’ local food consumption value on their perceptions and behaviors. The findings show that tourists’ local food consumption value effectively explains tourists’ attitudes toward local food, food destination image, and behavioral intentions.

Figure 2. The theory of consumption value to the local food, Choe et al. (2018).
Rahnama (2017) examined the effects of consumption values (i.e., functional value, social value, emotional value, conditional value, epistemic value, environmental value, and health value) on women's choice behavior toward organic yogurt. The results indicate that functional value-quality, functional value-taste and functional value-price, conditional value, epistemic value, and health value have positive effects on choosing organic yogurt by women, and social value, emotional value, and environmental value have no impact on the subject. This study concluded that the main influencing factors on choice behavior regarding organic yogurt are epistemic and health values. In fact, consumers have high knowledge of organic yogurt's benefits related to their health.

Figure 3. Effect of consumption values on choice behavior, Rahnama (2017).
Sin et al. (2015) examined the underlying motivations of consumers' intention to visit a restaurant featuring organic menu items and willingness to pay (WTP) for organic menu items. The results showed that environmental concern was the strongest predictor of WTP, followed by social value and health consciousness, whereas health consciousness was the most influential factor on intention to visit, followed by social value and environmental concern.

Figure 4. Motivations behind consumers' organic menu choices, Sin et al. (2015).
Based on the literature review, the research "Effects Of Green Vegetable Food Consumption Value In The HCMC" proposed the following research model. The study examined the perceived level and the criteria of customers' perceived value of buying Green Vegetable Food in Ho Chi Minh City.

Figure 5. The research model proposition.
From the proposed research hypothesis, the results of the study can be concluded: "The condition values of information and prices, and the environmental values affect the decision of consumers to buy GREEN VEGETABLE FOOD in Ho Chi Minh City". The Conclusion of the study is described by the multiple regression statistical equation as follows:
QĐTD = 0,848*GTĐK + 0,438*GTMT
Meaning the customers' decision to buy green vegetable food is positively influenced by the product conditions and the product's environmental factors. In which the factors on the condition value of the product have the strongest and most decisive influence. Manufacturers should prioritize meeting customer needs regarding the value of the condition of the RAT, including Acceptable prices, precise information, a wide range of products, and convenient purchasing locations.
Trung tâm Chính sách và Chiến lược Nông nghiệp Nông thôn miền Nam, SCAP – IPSARD, Thị Trường Rau Quả Việt Nam. Hà Nội, 2017.
Mai Lê Thúy Vân và cộng sự, 2017. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến năng lực cạnh tranh của rau an toàn Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Science & Technology Development, Vol. 20 (No Q1 – 2017), tr. 112 – 126.
Choe và cộng sự (2018). Effects of tourists' local food consumption value on attitude, food destination image, and behavioral intention, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, tr. 1 – 10.
Rahnama (2017). Effect of consumption values on women's choice behavior toward organic foods: The case of organic yogurt in Iran, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(2), tr. 144 – 166.
Sheth và cộng sự (1991). Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values, Journal of business research, 22(2), tr. 159 – 170.
Shin và cộng sự (2019). Motivations behind Consumers' Organic Menu Choices: The Role of Environmental Concern, Social Value, and Health Consciousness, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 20(1), tr. 107 – 122.
QĐTD: Deciding to buy Green Vegetable Food
GTĐK: Condition value
GTMT: Environmental value
RAT: Green Vegetable Food
Advisor: MEng Lâm Đức Cường
Submited: Nguyễn Thị Quyển Nhi, Đỗ Ngọc Tường Vy, Ngô Thị Ngân, Võ Minh Trí, Nguyễn Tường Vy
Văn Hiến University
TP. Hồ Chí Minh, 05/2020